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Baby Noah is Here *Part 2*

 The next day 6am The doctor induced me and did a cervical exam. That was very painful. It was a mere 1cm dilated and I was devastated to hear that. *Induction means sticking up a pill through my vagina all the way up to my cervix. What it does is it forces your cervix to open so you can go into labour. The risk of induction is that your cervix still doesn't open, you might end up with a C-section*. After insert the pill I was advised just to lie down in case the pill falls or doesn't work. They told me they'll come and check my dilation in 6 hours. In the meantime, I should just sleep but of course I couldn't so I ended up praying and read Bible to calm myself.  7.30am Contraction started coming. It was funny because all these while whenever I felt pain, I always thought they were contractions because I was so desperate to go into labour. But the real contraction feels like menstrual pain but 10 times worse? 11am My aunty came and I breathed a sigh of relief. At least

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Baby Noah is Here! *Part 1*

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