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 Wow, I am officially 38 weeks pregnant today which means my baby can come anytime. Everyday I am waiting for the sign, waiting for the arrival of the baby. So, I just want to spend the waiting time to do some reflections and write down my thoughts. 

During my pregnancy, I just feel so blessed and lucky as I am always surrounded by love from the people around me. I truly appreciate for the help, care, understanding and prayer that people had showed me. 

To my husband,

The first trimester was rough. I have had a first trimester. I was constantly nauseous. Thankyou for saying that it was okay to nap literally all day long and still let me complain about being tired. Thankyou for picking up the slack when I needed him most. I seriously had no idea the first trimester could be that rough. I also want to thank him for making me feel beautiful when I felt far from it. I was so excited to witness our baby growing inside me but at the same time, I saw my body changing. I did not feel confident about how I looked but he made me feel so adored and cherished. He helped me get through the tiniest struggles I had. I can't imagine going through this wild-hormone-crazed, crabby, tired, zombie like, sick filled, body changing phase with absolutely anyone else. 

To my MIL,

I am grateful for her understanding. My first trimester nausea made it difficult for me to even enter the kitchen. I never helped in anything but she still asked what I would like to eat and she will cook for me.  She also shared me her experiences, constantly pray for me, assure me and helped me to prepare baby stuff. I am thankful for her talent of picking up baby clothes and her sewing skill. She even sew the bedsheets, made pillow and bolster for baby. There're so many things that I do not need to worry as she had helped to prepare most of the stuff. Thankyou for her love for me and the baby. 

To my Mother,

Thankyou for your silent support and also buying me different kind of supplements, cooked my favourite each time I go home. Becoming a mom made me love my mother even more. 

To our family members (siblings),

Thankyou for the generosity as they have also given us free stuff such as baby clothes, car seat, baby pump and etc that we do not need to spend a fortune. 

I just couldn't tell how grateful I am for the people around me. 

We are blessed, so we can be a blessing. 

Baby Noah you are blessed, so do mummy. We are blessed, because He loves us, so we can be a blessing to others. 



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