Very often the quarrel between people can be ended with word that is "Sorry". It's just  a single word but sometimes it's so hard to extract.

I think most of the time people hardly throw out the word from their mouth because they think that the one who says sorry is the one who loose or admitting the fault. This totally make no sense!

Saying sorry sometimes is not about winning and loosing. It is about setting things right for yourself. I am a person who say sorry easily. For me, saying sorry (even if times it's not your mistakes) help to release the tension and pay for the peace, I think it's worth it.

Sometimes I am so fed up with the people who never say sorry for their mistake. Situation turned bad when I argued the mistake with the person and when it comes to the end, I am the person who apologize! LOL! (Oh Lord, teach me to be more tolerate!)

When was the last time you said sorry? Don't be so stingy with the word. I believe the power of these 5 letters. Do you?


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