Another Painful Day
Today, July 18, Friday is definitely another heartbroken day to all Malaysians.
I was half-waked this morning around 6 and heard the news from the radio that MH xx was shot down in Ukraine. At first I thought MH370 was found shot down. Quickly I woke up and checked the news from the internet. No, it is not MH 370 but MH17. Malaysia Airline MH17 with 298 passengers on board crash in Ukraine near the Russian border on Thursday, all killed. The plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur and is reported that it was shot down in Eastern Ukraine. The passengers comprised of different nationalities where 154 from Netherlands, 43 Malaysians which include the crew members. The rest are Indonesian, UK, Germany, Belgium, Philippines, Canada and there are 41 unverified.
This is really a heartbroken news to all the passengers as well as the affected passengers and their family members. I truly belief the news has been greeted with not just horror but disbelief in Malaysia. Our nation was distressed at the loss of MH370 and now a second air disaster in five months. As the Prime Minister said, this is a tragic day, tragic year for Malaysia. Our land is shrouded by such deep pain.
The flight route was flying over the region that was recently seen deadly fighting between Ukraine and Russian forces. American authorities believe the plane was brought down by a surface to air missile but were still working to determine the details about the clash, including who fired the missile and whether it came from Russian side of the border. However both parties strongly denied the act.
I believe in the following days, the newspaper to be flooded by the news of MH17. We hope no more hinder and the truth reveal.
Regardless of nationality, we are united in grief.
I was half-waked this morning around 6 and heard the news from the radio that MH xx was shot down in Ukraine. At first I thought MH370 was found shot down. Quickly I woke up and checked the news from the internet. No, it is not MH 370 but MH17. Malaysia Airline MH17 with 298 passengers on board crash in Ukraine near the Russian border on Thursday, all killed. The plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur and is reported that it was shot down in Eastern Ukraine. The passengers comprised of different nationalities where 154 from Netherlands, 43 Malaysians which include the crew members. The rest are Indonesian, UK, Germany, Belgium, Philippines, Canada and there are 41 unverified.
This is really a heartbroken news to all the passengers as well as the affected passengers and their family members. I truly belief the news has been greeted with not just horror but disbelief in Malaysia. Our nation was distressed at the loss of MH370 and now a second air disaster in five months. As the Prime Minister said, this is a tragic day, tragic year for Malaysia. Our land is shrouded by such deep pain.
The flight route was flying over the region that was recently seen deadly fighting between Ukraine and Russian forces. American authorities believe the plane was brought down by a surface to air missile but were still working to determine the details about the clash, including who fired the missile and whether it came from Russian side of the border. However both parties strongly denied the act.
I believe in the following days, the newspaper to be flooded by the news of MH17. We hope no more hinder and the truth reveal.
Regardless of nationality, we are united in grief.
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